Rural Development Water and Environmental Programs (USDA WEP) has consistently supported rural communities in completing necessary upgrades to their water and wastewater facilities. With WEP funding at risk, your voice is more important than ever. Pledge your support for USDA Rural Development Water and Environmental Programs, as they provide to rural water and wastewater systems that support public health, economic vitality, technical assistance, and affordability in communities across America.

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Maryland Rural Water Association makes your voices better heard in Washington, DC and in Annapolis, MD as we work shoulder to shoulder with our membership to help increase awareness of water and wastewater issues on both state and federal levels.

Whether advocating on behalf of our members on the Farm Bill or establishing positions on legislation affecting our response to COVID-19, MRWA brings the power of our full membership to bear on essential issues affecting the water industry. 

We rally in the nation’s capital each year to personally speak to our members of Congress on key concerns and we communicate with decision-makers at the Maryland General Assembly in order to protect and promote public safety by keeping them informed on a wide range of policy issues.

Learn more about MRWA advocacy in action, become a member today!


Advocacy Support

  • Assist towns with locating funding from State and Federal Agencies (MDE, EPA, USDA-RD)
  • Help to determine and advise on the potential impacts of proposed regulations on water and wastewater systems