Registration is Open!
April 1-4, 2025
Ocean City Convention Center
Attendees –Early Bird pricing ends 2/14/25, register now!
Quick Links:
- The Preliminary Agenda, including class descriptions, is now live on the registration site — click “Agenda” on the left-hand side.
- Hotel Listings are now available — go to the registration site then click “Accommodations” on the left-hand side.
- There’s still time to become an Association or Signature Sponsor – sign up now!
- Toasting the Tap 2025 Rules and Pre-Registration
About the Conference:
MRWA’s Annual Conference is an important event for Maryland’s water and wastewater communities. It brings operations personnel, government officials, and regulatory agencies together to share in the important conversations of how to continually work to improve drinking water in Maryland.
This annual event is the highlight of each year for us as well as our members. It provides an opportunity to meet old friends, make new ones, and engage in the critical dialogues so pivotal to the health and well-being of the residents of Maryland. We feature professional training classes, excellent speakers, a top-notch Exhibit Hall featuring over 80 exhibiting companies, and great entertainment throughout the schedule.
We host our Membership Meeting, our Awards Luncheon, Toasting the Tap Contest, Zenner Ultimate Meter Challenge, Clay Shoot and many other fun events during this conference. Every year, our conference gets bigger and better — we hope to see you in Ocean City this April!