Rural Development Water and Environmental Programs (USDA WEP) has consistently supported rural communities in completing necessary upgrades to their water and wastewater facilities. With WEP funding at risk, your voice is more important than ever. Pledge your support for USDA Rural Development Water and Environmental Programs, as they provide to rural water and wastewater systems that support public health, economic vitality, technical assistance, and affordability in communities across America.

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Arsenic Issues and Treatment

June 30, 2022 / 8:30 am - 3:30 pm
Register for Training

Course Code: 6697-19-12
License Class: All Operators
Class Instructor: Scott Harmon, CET – MRWA
Type: P
Cost: FREE!

Description: This session will focus on the primary on issues concerning Arsenic in drinking water and treatment processes for its removal. Students will learn how both, conventional and specialized treatment processes can be used to enhance Arsenic removal, the importance of monitoring and maintaining these systems. Troubleshooting techniques will be discussed.

Hours are 7.0

*An hour break will be given for lunch on your own.