May 20, 2025 /
8:30 am -
2:30 pm
Recommended for: Superintendents and Managers
Type: Non-Process
CEUs: 6
Cost: FREE
The Wharves at Choptank
3 Crouse Park Lane
Denton, MD 21629
This guided workshop covers important components of utility management and future planning, including:
- An overview of Ten Key Management Areas that cover all aspects of system operations;
- A utility Self-Assessment exercise based on the Management Areas
- Group discussion of the Self-Assessment results
- Group discussion on how each utility can improve performance based on the Self-Assessment results;
- Practices, tools, and measures for improving performance;
- Support resources for each Management Area; and
- An exercise for creating an action plan to follow up on the results of the Assessment
Working through all of these activities will help participants get a clearer picture of how they can improve their water systems now and in the future by prioritizing what’s most important to their utility and community.